This is a special post about an inspiring conference called , "She Speaks" by the wonderful ladies over at Proverb 31 Ministries (Proverbs31.org). Although this conference is specified for women, gentlemen read on because you can give this info to a woman who is purposed for speaking and writing through God's inspiration. The conference will be held July 22-24, 2011. There are three sections that they focus on during the conference: She Speaks, She Writes and She Leads. Women have been (and still are) utilized by the Most High to speak humility and love, write messages of grace and mercy and to lead the lost through examples of strength and kindness.This conference helps those women who believe they are called to fore front to hone those gifts and tap into their inner power.
They are also offering a Cecil Murphy Scholarship and I would like to become one of the recipients. There's a saying that goes along the lines of, "if I have done great things it's because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." I put my on twist on it, but that is true of my life. I am standing on the shoulders of my mother, grandmothers, mentors and young girls that I mentor. I believe God has purposed me to be a voice for those who cannot speak and those who have spoken only to have their voices muted out by hatred, loss of identity and violence. I would like the opportunity to use my voice to be a vessel for God, that is why I want this scholarship. I want to have Proverbs 31 Ministries be another source to elevate higher!
Below is the link for the She Speaks Conference as well as the scholarship contest post, I urge you to let go of fear and consider attending this conference. I'll be there!!!
"She Speaks" Cecil Murphy Scholarship Post
She Speaks Conference Information
Your heart, my heart...one love.
~The Queen ;)
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